Groupes de travail : Groupe d'étude "Algèbres amassées''

Equipe(s) : gr,
Responsables :B. Keller
Email des responsables : Bernhard Keller <>
Salle : 175 rue du Chevaleret - 75013 Paris
Adresse :

Orateur(s) Steffen OPPERMANN - Trondheim,
Titre Stable categories of $(n+1)$-preprojective algebras
Horaire09:00 à 10:00
RésumeThis is joint work with Osamu Iyama. We call an algebra is $n$-representation finite if it has global dimension at most $n$, and its module category contains an $n$-cluster tilting object. In this talk I will first explain how $n$-representation finite algebras give rise to self-injective $(n+1)$-preprojective algebras (= the endomorphism ring of the algebra in its $n$-Amiot cluster category). For $n=2$ (and under certain vanishing conditions more generally) the converse also holds. Thus we can apply a result of Ringel to obtain a complete classification of iterated tilted $2$-representation finite algebras. The stable module category of these self-injective $(n+1)$-preprojective algebras is $(n+1)$-Calabi-Yau. I will explain how it can be identified with the $(n+1)$-Amiot cluster category of a related algebra.
Salle175 rue du Chevaleret - 75013 Paris