Séminaires : Séminaire d'Algèbre

Equipe(s) : gr,
Responsables :J. Alev, D. Hernandez, B. Keller, Th. Levasseur, et S. Morier-Genoud.
Email des responsables : Jacques Alev <jacques.alev@univ-reims.fr>, David Hernandez <david.hernandez@imj-prg.fr>, Bernhard Keller <bernhard.keller@imj-prg.fr>, Thierry Levasseur <Thierry.Levasseur@univ-brest.fr>, Sophie Morier-Genoud <sophie.morier-genoud@imj-prg.fr>
Salle : Info sur https://researchseminars.org/seminar/paris-algebra-seminar
Adresse :

Le séminaire est prévu en présence à l'IHP et à distance. Pour les liens et mots de passe, merci de contacter l'un des organisateurs ou de souscrire à la liste de diffusion https://listes.math.cnrs.fr/wws/info/paris-algebra-seminar. L'information nécessaire sera envoyée par courrier électronique peu avant chaque exposé. Les notes et transparents sont disponibles ici.


Since March 23, 2020, the seminar has been taking place remotely. For the links and passwords, please contact one of the organizers or

subscribe to the mailing list at https://listes.math.cnrs.fr/wws/info/paris-algebra-seminar. The connexion information will be emailed shortly before each talk. Slides and notes are available here.


Orateur(s) Geoffrey Janssens - Bruxelles VUB,
Titre A Reduction theorem for tau-rigid modules : string algebras ringing
Horaire14:00 à 15:00

Motivated by (mutation) deficiencies in classical tilting theory, Adachi, Iyama and Reiten introduced the theory of support tau-tilting modules. In this talk we will be concerned with the problem of determining all support tau-tilting modules (or equivalently all basic two-term silting complexes) for various finite dimensional algebras A over an algebraically closed field. To this end, I will explain a tool that allows to reduce the problem for a given algebra to a more tractable one by repeatedly taking quotients by central elements (in the radical). In practice, it turns out that this process often spits out a string algebra for which I will present an explicit combinatorial description of the support tau-tilting modules. Also various applications, such as tau-tilting finiteness and iterated tilting mutation, to blocks of group algebras and special biserial algebras will be presented.  This is based on joint work with Florian Eisele and Theo Raedschelders.

SalleInfo sur https://researchseminars.org/seminar/paris-algebra-seminar