Equipe(s) : | lm, |
Responsables : | S. Anscombe, V. Bagayoko, D. Basak, H. Fournier, A. Vignati |
Email des responsables : | sylvy.anscombe@imj-prg.fr, bagayoko@imj-prg.fr, basak@imj-prg.fr, fournier@imj-prg.fr, vignati@imj-prg.fr |
Salle : | 1013 |
Adresse : | Sophie Germain |
Description |
Orateur(s) | Samuel Braunfeld - University of Maryland, |
Titre | Cellularity and beyond |
Date | 03/02/2021 |
Horaire | 16:00 à 17:15 |
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Diffusion | https://u-paris.zoom.us/rec/share/WMB_nEYV6KjHPH4MvTeXekaiqU69uK1sNZDFsk3lLcn12IKmj78LLIvG9swa0qZE.lTAa-nHOUwCU-jh0 |
Résume | Cellular structures are a class of particularly simple
omega-categorical structures that yield a dividing line in many
combinatorial problems concerning hereditary classes and countable
structures. We will discuss where cellularity appears and its relation
to the more general model-theoretic properties of mutual algebraicity
and monadic stability. If time permits, we will also mention some
ongoing work on monadic NIP.
Much of this is joint work with Chris Laskowski. Slides. |
Salle | 1013 |
Adresse | Sophie Germain |