Séminaires : Dynamical systems and PDEs

Equipe(s) : gd,
Responsables :Sergei Kuksin, Dmitrii Treschev
Email des responsables : sergei.kuksin@imj-prg.fr
Salle : https://mi-ras-ru.zoom.us/j/98541889798?pwd=SGdnT2lPWCtrbzNjOHQyb09NS0dXdz09
Adresse :Zoom
Description Paris 7 Diderot & Steklov Mathematical Institute Online Seminar

Orateur(s) Sylvia Serfaty - Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
Titre Mean-field limits for singular flows
Horaire16:00 à 17:00
RésumeWe discuss the derivation of PDEs as limits as N tends to infinity of the dynamics of N points for a certain class of Riesz-type singular pair interactions. The method is based on studying the time evolution of a certain "modulated energy" and on proving a functional inequality relating certain "commutators" to the modulated energy. When additive noise is added, in dimension at least 3 a uniform in time convergence can even be obtained. Based on joint works with Hung Nguyen, Matthew Rosenzweig.