Séminaires : Séminaire sur les Algèbres Enveloppantes

Equipe(s) :
Responsables :J.-Y. Charbonnel, R. Rentschler, M. Varagnolo
Email des responsables : Jean-Yves Charbonnel <jyc@math.jussieu.fr>, Rudolf Rentschler <rent@math.jussieu.fr>, Michela Varagnolo <varagnol@math.u-cergy.fr>
Salle : 175 rue du Chevaleret - 75013 Paris
Adresse :

Orateur(s) Alexander VARCHENKO - University of North Carolina,
Titre Cohomology of the cotangent bundle of a flag variety as an XXX Bethe algebra.
Horaire11:00 à 12:00
RésumeI will interpret the equivariant cohomology of the cotangent bundle of a flag variety F as the XXX Bethe algebra of a suitable Yangian module. Under this identification the dynamical connection of the XXX model turns into the quantum connection of Braverman-Maulik-Okounkov. This gives a relation between the quantum integrable chain models and quantum cohomology algebras, the relation discussed in physics literature by Nekrasov and Shatashvili.
Salle175 rue du Chevaleret - 75013 Paris