Orateur(s) | Yakov VARSHAVSKY - Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Titre | On the transfer of Deligne-Lusztig functions (joint with David Kazhdan) |
Date | 10/02/2011 |
Horaire | 14:00 à 15:00 |
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Résume | The transfer conjecture of Langlands-Shelstad (which is now a theorem due to Ngo and Waldspurger) asserts that for every function $f$ on a $p$-adic group $G$ there is a function $f^H$ on its endoscopic group $H$ which have ``matching orbital integrals''. In my talk I will explain how to construct function $f^H$ in the case when $f$ is an inflation of the character of Deligne-Lusztig representation. In the case when $G$ is split adjoint and the representation is unipotent we recover the conjecture of Kottwitz. |
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