Séminaires : Séminaire Groupes, Représentations et Géométrie

Equipe(s) : gr,
Responsables :A. Brochier, O. Brunat, J.-Y. Charbonnel, O. Dudas, E. Letellier, D. Juteau, M. Varagnolo, E. Vasserot
Email des responsables : Adrien Brochier <adrien.brochier@imj-prg.fr>, Olivier Brunat <olivier.brunat@imj-prg.fr>, Jean-Yves Charbonnel <jean-yves.charbonnel@imj-prg.fr>, Olivier Dudas <olivier.dudas@imj-prg.fr>, Emmanuel Letellier <emmanuel.letellier@imj-prg.fr>, Daniel Juteau <daniel.juteau@imj-prg.fr>, Michela Varagnolo <varagnol@math.u-cergy.fr>, Eric Vasserot <eric.vasserot@imj-prg.fr>
Salle : salle 2015, 2em étage,
Adresse :Sophie Germain

Orateur(s) Fernando RODRIGUEZ-VILLEGAS - ICTP,
Titre Character and quiver varieties
Horaire10:30 à 11:30
RésumeI will start by discussing the conjectures made in joint work with T. Hausel and E. Letellier about the mixed Hodge structure of the character varieties classifying certain finite dimensional representations of the fundamental group of a Riemann surface. The conjectures relate this mixed Hodge structure to the cohomology of certain associated quiver varieties. I will then outline the connection of all of this with: work of Garsia and Haiman on Hilbert schemes of points, Kac's conjecture on quivers and the combinatorics of Tutte polynomials of graphs.
Sallesalle 2015, 2em étage,
AdresseSophie Germain