Séminaires : Séminaire sur les Singularités

Equipe(s) : gd,
Responsables :André BELOTTO, Hussein MOURTADA, Matteo RUGGIERO, Bernard TEISSIER
Email des responsables : hussein.mourtada@imj-prg.fr
Salle : salle 1016
Adresse :Sophie Germain

Archive avant 2015

Hébergé par le projet Géométrie et Dynamique de l’IMJ-PRG



Orateur(s) Wim Veys - ,
Titre Verdier monodromy and the Monodromy Conjecture for ideals in two variables
Horaire16:00 à 18:00
RésumeThe monodromy conjecture states that every pole of the topological (or related) zeta function of a polynomial f induces an eigenvalue of monodromy of f. This conjecture has already been studied a lot, but is in full generality proven only for zeta functions associated to polynomials in two variables. We consider a generalization, working with zeta functions associated to an ideal. First we present in arbitrary dimension a formula (like the one of A'Campo) to compute the Verdier monodromy eigenvalues associated to an ideal. This is used to prove a generalized monodromy conjecture for arbitrary ideals in two variables.
Sallesalle 1016
AdresseSophie Germain