Orateur(s) | Lorenzo Lane - University of Edimburgh et IMJ-PRG,
Titre | Socialising proof: Understanding the social contexts of proof construction and validation |
Date | 13/01/2016 |
Horaire | 11:00 à 13:00 |
Diffusion | |
Résume | The following will present findings from ethnographic research conducted at the Max Planck Institute of mathematics in Bonn, and the Isaac Newton Institute for mathematical sciences in Cambridge. I will begin by outlining how ethnographic methods can provide insight into knowledge production in mathematics; following this I shall discuss the role that social life plays in shaping proofs and developing the mathematical field. My aim is to give a sense of the day to day experiences of mathematical working and collaborating, giving details on the mechanical, habitual, overlooked processes of proof production. By exploring such back-stage work I want to highlight the social processes involved in constructing proofs, and plot out the social history of proofs as they move from person to person to publication. |
Salle | Couloir 15-16, 4ème étage, salle 413 |
Adresse | Campus Pierre et Marie Curie |