Séminaires : Séminaire de Topologie

Equipe(s) : tga,
Responsables :Catherine Gille et Najib Idrissi
Email des responsables :
Salle : 1016
Adresse :Sophie Germain

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Le séminaire de topologie évolue. Des après-midi de topologie seront organisées tout au long de l'année (en collaboration avec USPN) et nous vous en tiendrons informé(e)s sur cette liste de diffusion.

Orateur(s) Daniel Ruberman - Brandeis University,
Titre Invariants of 4-manifolds with the homology of a circle cross the 3-sphere
Horaire11:00 à 12:00
RésumeGauge theoretic invariants of a closed 4-manifold X usually are defined only in the setting where the intersection form has a non-zero positive part; this condition rules out reducible solutions. Many interesting questions remain, however, in the setting where the second homology is trivial. I will survey some recent work on finding invariants of such manifolds, and of new calculations. One approach is to use the Seiberg-Witten equations, and I will discuss a recent result on calculating these invariants, joint with Jianfeng Lin and Nikolai Saveliev. Time permitting, I will also explain a new Heegaard Floer invariant defined in joint work with Adam Levine.
AdresseSophie Germain