Séminaires : Séminaire de Géométrie Tropicale

Equipe(s) : aa,
Responsables :Penka Georgieva, Ilia Itenberg.
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Orateur(s) Sergey Finashin - Ankara, Middle East Technical University,
Titre Topology of Real Schlafli Six-Line Configurations on Cubic Surfaces and in ℝP^3
Horaire14:00 à 15:00
RésumeA famous configuration of 27 lines on a non-singular cubic surface in P^3 contains remarkable subconfigurations, and in particular the ones formed by six pairwise disjoint lines. We study such six-line configurations in the case of real cubic surfaces from topological viewpoint, as configurations of six disjoint lines in the real projective 3-space, and show that the condition that they lie on a cubic surface implies a very special property of homogeneity. This property distinguish them in the list of 11 deformation types of configurations formed by six disjoint lines in ℝP^3.