Séminaires : Géométrie et Théorie des Modèles

Equipe(s) : lm,
Responsables :Zoé Chatzidakis, Raf Cluckers, Georges Comte
Email des responsables : zoe.chatzidakis@imj-prg.fr
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Pour recevoir le programme par e-mail, écrivez à : zoe.chatzidakis@imj-prg.fr
Pour les personnes ne connaissant pas du tout de théorie des modèles, des notes introduisant les notions de base (formules, ensembles définissables, théorème de compacité, etc.) sont disponibles ici : https://webusers.imj-prg.fr/~zoe.chatzidakis/papiers/MTluminy.dvi/MTluminy.dvi. Ces personnes peuvent aussi consulter les premiers chapitres du livre Model Theory and Algebraic Geometry, E. Bouscaren ed., Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1696, Berlin 1998.Retour ligne automatique
Les notes de quelques-uns des exposés sont disponibles.

Orateur(s) Wouter Castryck - ,
Titre Scrollar invariants, resolvents, and syzygies
Horaire11:00 à 12:30
RésumeWith every cover C -> P^1 of the projective line one can associate its so-called scrollar invariants (also called Maroni invariants) which describe how the push-forward of the structure sheaf of C splits over P^1. They can be viewed as geometric counterparts of the successive minima of the lattice associated with the ring of integers of a number field. In this talk we consider the following problem: how do the scrollar invariants of the Galois closure C' -> P^1 and of its various subcovers (the so-called resolvents of C -> P^1) relate to known invariants of the given cover? This concerns ongoing work with Yongqiang Zhao, in which we put a previous observation for covers of degree 4 due to Casnati in a more general framework. As we will see the answer involves invariants related to syzygies that were introduced by Schreyer. As time permits, we will discuss a number-theoretic manifestation of the phenomena observed.