Séminaires : Séminaire des Thésards

Equipe(s) : doctorants,
Responsables :Sébastien Biebler, Vincent Dumoncel, Elba Garcia-Failde, Thiago Landim, Odylo Costa, Francesca Rizzo, Antoine Sedillot
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Le séminaire des thésards est l'occasion pour les doctorants de présenter des résultats et des problématiques dignes d'intérêt devant un public de non-spécialistes. L'ambiance y est informelle ; poser des questions naïves est encouragé, et les questions moins naïves sont bienvenues dans la mesure où elles n'entravent pas le bon déroulement de l'exposé.

Un jeudi sur deux à 18h00, en alternance entre Jussieu et Sophie Germain.

Orateur(s) Colin Jahel - ,
Titre Dynamics and model-theoretic structures
Horaire18:00 à 19:00
RésumeWikipedia gives the following definition for dynamical systems : "In mathematics, a dynamical system is a system in which a function describes the time dependence of a point in a geometrical space". This talk will not respect Wikipedia's definition, we will expand on it. Here, we will replace "time" (which often refers to $\mathbN$ or $\mathbbR) by a Polish group and "a function (...) in a geometrical space" by a group action on a compact space.
Since a general Polish group can be hard to describe (specially since we will take them non-locally compact), we will restrict our groups as automorphism groups of countable structures. So there are definitely combinatorics involved (mostly graphs though) !
Trying to probe these groups, we are lead to the notions of amenability, unique ergodocity and extreme amenability. Those notions will be described in terms of probability measures and fixed points.