Séminaires : Séminaire de Topologie

Equipe(s) : tga,
Responsables :Catherine Gille et Najib Idrissi
Email des responsables :
Salle : 1016
Adresse :Sophie Germain

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Le séminaire de topologie évolue. Des après-midi de topologie seront organisées tout au long de l'année (en collaboration avec USPN) et nous vous en tiendrons informé(e)s sur cette liste de diffusion.

Orateur(s) Amnon Neeman - Australian National University,
Titre Approximable triangulated categories
Horaire10:30 à 11:30
RésumeThe main part of the talk will discuss a new, technical tool - we will explain the notion of "approximable triangulated categories". And relevant for us will be
-# There are many interesting examples, for instance the homotopy category of spectra.
-# There are general structure theorems about approximable triangulated categories, which specialize to very useful and surprising facts about the examples.

We will illustrate the achievements of the theory (so far) with a proof of a conjecture by Bondal and Van den Bergh, improvements to results by Rouquier, and an indication how an old idea of Adams - suitably generalized - can be used to give a one-page proof of Serre's GAGA theorem.
AdresseSophie Germain