Séminaires : Groupes, Représentations et Géométrie

Equipe(s) : gr,
Responsables :Adrien Brochier, Olivier Brunat, Jean-Yves Charbonnel, Olivier Dudas, Daniel Juteau, Emmanuel Letellier, Michela Varagnolo, Eric Vasserot
Email des responsables : adrien.brochier@imj-prg.fr ; olivier.brunat@imj-prg.fr; jean-yves.charbonnel@imj-prg.fr; olivier.dudas@imj-prg.fr; emmanuel.letellier@imj-prg.fr; daniel.juteau@imj-prg.fr; varagnol@math.u-cergy.fr; eric.vasserot@imj-prg.fr
Salle : 1016
Adresse :Sophie Germain

Le séminaire de l'équipe GRG. SI vous n'êtes pas membre de l'équipe mais souhaitez recevoir les informations, abonnez vous à la liste https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/sem-gr.paris


Orateur(s) Paul Wedrich - HCM Bonn,
Titre Quivers and fusion rules for SL(2) tilting modules
Horaire10:00 à 12:00
RésumeI will explain how diagrammatic algebra can be used to give an explicit generators-and-relations presentation of all morphisms between indecomposable tilting modules for SL(2) over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic. The result takes the form of a path algebra of an infinite, fractal-like quiver with relations, which can be considered as the (semi-infinite) Ringel dual of SL(2). I will also talk about recent work with Louise Sutton, Daniel Tubbenhauer, and Jieru Zhu on a two-fold extension of this result: to the mixed case and taking monoidality into account. In particular, we obtain a recursion for the p-Jones-Wenzl projectors of Burrull-Libedinsky-Sentinelli.
AdresseSophie Germain