Séminaires : Séminaire sur les Singularités

Equipe(s) : gd,
Responsables :André BELOTTO, Hussein MOURTADA, Matteo RUGGIERO, Bernard TEISSIER
Email des responsables : hussein.mourtada@imj-prg.fr
Salle : salle 1013
Adresse :Sophie Germain

Archive avant 2015

Hébergé par le projet Géométrie et Dynamique de l’IMJ-PRG



Orateur(s) Samuele Mongodi - ,
Titre Weakly complete spaces
Horaire16:30 à 18:00
Diffusion https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/81523852196?pwd=ZHRadUNrbFZZYVZibkY5UkRrUS82QT09
RésumeWe will introduce the concept of Stein space and of weakly complete space, both in terms of the algebra of holomorphic functions and in terms of the cone of plurisubharmonic functions. In dimension 2, some typical examples of weakly complete spaces which are not Stein are - modifications of Stein spaces of dimension 2 - spaces admitting a proper holomorphic map onto an open complex curve - Grauert-type surfaces (foliated in complex curves whose closures are Levi-flat 3-dimensional compact hypersurfaces). With Slodkowski and Tomassini we proved that, if the space admits an exhaustion function which is plurisubharmonic and real analytic, then these are the only three possibilities. We will give some details of the proof and we will highlight the difficulties in extending this kind of result both in terms of regularity (smooth instead of real analytic) and in terms of dimension.
Sallesalle 1013
AdresseSophie Germain