Séminaires : Séminaire Histoire des sciences mathématiques

Equipe(s) : hsm,
Responsables :Catherine Goldstein
Email des responsables : catherine.goldstein@imj-prg.fr
Salle : Couloir 15-16, 4ème étage, salle 413
Adresse :Campus Pierre et Marie Curie

Le 2ème et/ou le 4e mercredi du mois à 14h

Orateur(s) Ciaran Mac an Bhaird - Maynooth University,
Titre French influences on mathematics in 18th and 19th century Ireland
Horaire14:00 à 16:00

In 1795 a seminary to allow for the training of Catholic priests in Ireland was established at Maynooth, outside Dublin. From the very first days, mathematics was taught, and the first two Professors responsible, along with several Professors in other subjects, were exiled French priests, coming from Bordeaux, Paris, Toulouse and elsewhere. In this talk, I provide more detail on what is known thus far on these individuals, the mathematics they taught and their influence on mathematics teaching across the island of Ireland. Furthermore, I will introduce, recently discovered in the archives at Maynooth, hand-written notes in French from 1800 or before, which shed some light on the original French sources the early Professors may have used.

SalleCouloir 15-16, 4ème étage, salle 413
AdresseCampus Pierre et Marie Curie