Séminaires : Séminaire sur les Singularités

Equipe(s) : gd,
Responsables :André BELOTTO, Hussein MOURTADA, Matteo RUGGIERO, Bernard TEISSIER
Email des responsables : hussein.mourtada@imj-prg.fr
Salle : salle 1013
Adresse :Sophie Germain

Archive avant 2015

Hébergé par le projet Géométrie et Dynamique de l’IMJ-PRG



Orateur(s) Edward Bierstone - University of Toronto,
Titre Circulant matrices and partial desingularization
Horaire16:00 à 17:00

Given an algebraic (or complex analytic) variety X, can we find a proper birational (or bimeromorphic) morphism Y -> X preserving the normal crossings locus of X, such that Y has only singularities from an explicit list of normal forms? For example, in dimension 2, we have to admit additional pinch point singularities. I will talk about progress towards the general case; in particular, about a splitting or factorization result that is a relevant multivariate Newton-Puiseux theorem, and about reduction to normal forms based on the combinatorics of circulant matrices. The work is in
collaboration with André Belotto and Ramon Ronzon Lavie.

Sallesalle 1013
AdresseSophie Germain