Séminaires : Séminaire de Systèmes Dynamiques

Equipe(s) : gd,
Responsables :H. Eliasson, B. Fayad, R. Krikorian, P. Le Calvez
Email des responsables :
Salle : 15-25-502
Adresse :Campus Pierre et Marie Curie

Archive avant 2015

Hébergé par le projet Géométrie et Dynamique de l’IMJ

Orateur(s) Carlos Gustavo Moreira - ,
Titre On the denseness of finitude of sinks
Horaire14:00 à 16:00
In 1995, Jacob Palis stated an ambitious conjecture on denseness of finitude of attractors for 
diffeomorphisms in arbitrary dimensions. Before that, Newhouse proved the existence of residual sets of 
surface diffeomorphisms (in certain nonempty open sets) in the C² topology displaying infinitely many sinks 
(hyperbolic periodic attractors), and Bonatti and Diaz did the same in the C¹ topology in higher dimensions. 
We will discuss the problem of proving the denseness (in the C¹ topology) of diffeomorphisms (in arbitrary 
dimensions) displaying only a finite number of sinks. This is a joint work with Fernando Lenarduzzi and Jacob 
AdresseCampus Pierre et Marie Curie