Séminaires : Séminaire de géométrie algébrique

Equipe(s) : tga,
Responsables :
Email des responsables : frederic.han@imj-prg.fr
Salle : http://www.imj-prg.fr/tga/sem-ga
Adresse :

La page officielle du Séminaire

Le jeudi à 14h.
septembre-décembre Sophie-Germain, janvier-mars ENS, avril-juin Jussieu

La liste de diffusion

Orateur(s) Masafumi Hattori - ,
Titre On boundedness and moduli spaces of K-stable Calabi-Yau fibrations over curves
Horaire14:00 à 15:00

l'exposé sera aussi diffusé par ZOOM: https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/87030832332 , demander le mot de passe à Olivier Benoist, Olivier Debarre ou Frederic Han, ou inscrivez vous sur la <a href="https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/subscribe/sem-ga.paris">liste de diffusion</a><br>Abstract: Algebro-geometers have made a remarkable progress in the study of K-stability of log Fano pairs and constructed their K-moduli in ten years. On the other hand, K-moduli is also constructed for the K-ample case (so-called KSBA moduli) and the Calabi-Yau case (but the moduli is not compact in this case). Nevertheless, moduli spaces parametrizing more general klt polarized K-stable varieties have not been constructed yet. In this talk, we consider ``adiabatic’' K-stability of Calabi-Yau fibrations over curves (e.g., good minimal models with $\kappa(X)=1$, rational elliptic surfaces, etc.) and try constructing ``adiabatic’' K-moduli. First, we treat boundedness for such fibrations. Here, we only use a certain assumption on the volume of a general fiber. Furthermore, we construct moduli spaces of polarized uniformly adiabatically K-stable klt-trivial fibrations over curves by applying this boundedness and the criterion for uniform adiabatic K-stability. This talk is based on a joint work with Kenta Hashizume.|

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